Sunday, November 12, 2017

Has Darth Vader, dark lord of the Sith become a God?

It’s not hard to imagine, if you really think about it.
There are few figures in modern pop culture as influential as Darth Vader.

For 40 years, children and adult fans alike recognize and instantly identify the dark lord of the Sith as an imposing figure in our perception of reality. While commonly recognized as a fictional character created by Star Wars creator George Lucas, over the decades it seems that the pop culture icon has been given a life of his own. 

Most people know who he is and many know his tragic story. But does it end with Return of the Jedi? Certainly not. Does it even begin with The Phantom menace? A New Hope? Possibly not.

The large scope of Vaders conviction and resolve may not just be inside of an ever expanding franchise, however the gravity of his visage holds both emotional and financial ties to our reality that makes him far more everlasting than your basic movie villain.

It is becoming closer to modern thought and understanding that your focus determines your reality. Interestingly enough. This was also stated in the Phantom Menace. But in our reality it is well understood that you must visualize your objective in order to achieve it.

Consider that quite possibly every God that we know of was originally imagined. There are not many that have left physical evidence of their presence. What they have left behind are stories that have lived on over the centuries and given credibility to their existence. 
The human mind is fascinating. We are so complex in thought that we convert thoughts into energy. The more you put thought into energy the more abondant that energy is. That energy can then be converted into reality.

The first poster for the Phantom Menace was of a child Anakin with the shadow of Vader behind him.

This was a great symbolism that made for the journey of Anakin becoming Darth Vader. It was purely intentional. It did however spark an interesting unintentional trend for future Star Wars movies.

In Attack of the Clones, Vaders shadow appears in what is considered a fluke of unintentional events.
Anakins hair is a mimic of Obi Wan’s from the Phantom Menace and was purely representative of Anakin being Obi Wan’s padawan. So this hair style making up Vader’s shadow in episode 2 is purely coincidental..... or is it?
Could this be the beginning stages of the entity of Darth Vader forcing his way into our reality? Possibly. This is after all the origin story for the dark lord and how he came to be. While Attack of the Clones is the second episode in this origin story, the first steps of Vader coming into the image that we all know and love makes it interestingly timed. 

This is not the end of the story at all.
The new sequel trilogy is all about legacy. And in my opinion. Characters coming into their own being. Kylo Ren being a legacy character wishes to step out of the shadow he has been cast in that is his grandfather.

His image directly reflects that.
However, there is yet another shadow. Behind Rey, our protagonist for this new trilogy. 

What is iconically the shadow of Vader standing behind ray. This time more pronounced if you really look at it. The texture of the AT-AT foot subtitling making the lines of definition of his armor.

It seems that Vader himself is beginning to take form.

At this point it would be a mistake on my part to not recognize the insanity of a statement like this. Most critics to the Empire will certainly dismiss is as a series of coincidences or even claim that all of this was just planned. So let’s talk about this in the context of the movies themselves. You have what is suspected to be the chosen one with a balanced world of both light and dark and inside of the context of the series is a figure well known. It’s not far fetched that Anakin himself was mearly a vessel for a being far more complex. Even after his death has transcended through the force and is now a figure of the past. He has become more powerful through the force. It is strongly possible that Darth Vader has become what we here would refer to as a God.

The power he holds in the films could be enough to break the barriers between our realm and his. It’s not the first time something in coming has grabbed hold of our reality, that however is a story for another time.

With my final statement I will say that Darth Vader is given an origin of being the chosen one. A powerful imposing and captivating image, and a legacy not only in the Star Wars world but our own as well. Then you have in our reality a legitimate Jedi religion, which makes sense since the Jedi were based of eastern religions in their conceptualization. Once you get into philosophical Dogma, how far fetched is it that Vader has attained some status reverence akin to other human myths and legends?

It is not really too far fetched that someone so powerful from a galaxy far far away has finally made his way to our galaxy.

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